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WETEX 2018 Award

Prix de l’Innovation décerné à l’IFFEN au Dubai Solar Show

L’IFFEN a reçu le Prix de l’Innovation au Dubai Solar Show 2018 pour les formations professionnalisantes en Institut. Abdoul Benamer, directeur de l’IFFEN, a eu l’honneur d’accepter le prix de Son Altesse Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-Souverain de Dubaï, ministre des Finances des EAU et président de DEWA,

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WETEX 2018 Award

Innovation Prize awarded to IFFEN at the Dubai Solar Show

IFFEN was awarded the Innovation Prize at the Dubai Solar Show 2018 for the institute’s on-site trainings. IFFEN Director Abdoul Benamer was honored to accept the award from HH Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai, Minister of Finance of the UAE and President of DEWA, at

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Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer talks with Abdoul Benamer of IFFEN at WETEX 2018 in Dubai

DEWA CEO HE Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer visits IFFEN in Dubai

Alongside visits from HH Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Deputy Ruler of Dubai, Minister of Finance of the UAE, and former French President François Hollande, IFFEN welcomed HE Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD and CEO of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) and Founder and Chairmen of WETEX. IFFEN

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François Hollande and Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer with Abdoul Benamer of IFFEN at WETEX 2018 in Dubai

Le président français François Hollande rend visite à IFFEN à Dubaï

WETEX et le Dubaï Solar Show ont réuni des entreprises, des clients et des dirigeants du monde entier, dont l’ancien président français François Hollande : ses initiatives lors de son mandat présidentiel favorisaient l’augmentation de l’utilisation par la France de sources d’énergie renouvelables. L’IFFEN a eu l’honneur d’accueillir le président Hollande

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François Hollande and Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer with Abdoul Benamer of IFFEN at WETEX 2018 in Dubai

French President François Hollande stops by IFFEN in Dubai

WETEX and the Dubai Solar Show 2018 brought together companies, clients and leaders from across the world, including former French President François Hollande, whose initiatives while president included increasing France’s use of renewable energy sources. IFFEN was honored to welcome Mr. Hollande, and to share with him the innovative work

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Abdoul Benamer at the Dubai Solar Show IFFEN WETEX

HH Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum visits IFFEN in Dubai

In addition to hosting a selection of the top companies leading Dubai and the world into the future of energy and development, including IFFEN, WETEX and the Dubai Solar Show were buzzing with CEOs, innovators, dignitaries, and world leaders. IFFEN’s booth was honored to receive a visit from HH Sheikh

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IFFEN Offical Training Partner for WETEX 2018 in Dubai

IFFEN, leader et partenaire

Le succès de l’entreprise passe par des partenariats, et l’IFFEN est fier de faire progresser les industries avec ses partenaires en France, à Dubaï et dans le monde entier. En tant que partenaire officiel de formation pour WETEX 2018 et le Dubai Solar Show 2018, l’IFFEN a organisé des formations

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IFFEN Offical Training Partner for WETEX 2018 in Dubai

IFFEN, leader and partner

Business success is made through partnerships, and IFFEN is proud to move industries forward with its partners in France, Dubai, and around the world. As the Official Training Partner for WETEX 2018 and the Dubai Solar Show 2018, IFFEN led solar, air conditioning and refrigeration trainings in the on-site IFFEN

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